There are many health benefits to be gained from earthing. The connection process allows the body to naturally unite with the earth, and many people are starting to use the earth as a source of wellness.
May 29, 2020 —
Boston, MA – is pleased to announce that it is offering a full line of products that are helping people with a variety of health issues. According to a company spokesperson, the earth contains natural electric impulses, while the body stores up negative impulses through current lifestyles. When the feet, or body, connect with the earth in a natural way, the body can release the negative and gain positive health benefits.
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Earthing provides a natural way for people to improve their health status. When the technique is used on a regular basis, stresses and bodily pains will decrease. For example, an individual who suffers from stiff body joints due to stresses can find relief from taking time to reconnect with the earth. Electrical stability will be maintained within the body more readily. The individual may even find they have headaches less frequently. This is especially true if the headaches are caused by the body storing excess negativity.
Other benefits of this include the improvement of mental status and attitudes. The person who practices will feel better and view life with a new “set of eyes.” Skin tones and coloration will improve within the body as well in many cases.
Hormone levels have the potential to become more stable when earthing is used routinely. If a young woman is having issues with mood swings, using the process on a regular basis can bring hormone stability. The stability places the body in a more natural state. The benefits are wonderful and provide a no-cost alternative to other treatments. It is also a great natural sleep aid.
When used on a steady basis, the process can provide the body with the ability to think more clearly, defend against new diseases, deter illnesses, be pain free, and aid the natural digestion process. When you feel better, you naturally have less mental stress and chaos. When you feel better, you bring yourself to a much healthier state of existence.
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There are two main ways to practice earthing: outdoors or indoors. Traditional outdoor earthing doesn’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere you can make contact with the earth. This is typically considering the best and easiest way.
Indoor earthing products include:
• Earthing mats: These mats claim to reduce EMF (electric and magnetic field) exposure and enable you to have a connection between your body and the earth indoors. They look like yoga mats, but they have a controller and are connected to electrical fields being given off from the earth’s surface. They can be an easy way to practice earthing while working at a desk, standing around the bathroom or kitchen, watching TV or talking on the phone.
• Earthing shoes: Most shoes today have rubber soles, but grounding shoes have natural leather soles. The idea is that the permeability of the leather allows a connection to the earth, which is blocked by standard soled shoes.
• Earthing bands: These are elastic, adjustable bands that can be placed on the wrists and arms. Some people like to wear these while cooking, working or doing anything else around the house when they can’t be outdoors.
• Earthing bed: A type of electrically-charged bed has been created that features silver wires that are connected to the electrical charge of the earth once plugged into an “earthing” port. These beds basically have conductive systems that transfer the earth’s electrons from the ground into the body. So even when we’re inside, sleeping in an “earthing bed” might be able to help us absorb the effects of the earth’s electricity and normalize our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. Laying or sleeping in the bed is almost like sleeping outside on the grass, according to Clint Ober.
• Earthing sheets: Earthing sheets have a grounding wire designed to plug into the ground port of your wall outlet or grounded rod, which is meant to connect you to the earth while you sleep.
People have the tendency to “put off” doing things in their lives because they do not “feel well.” Many go around not realizing they need to rid the body of negative impulses. The body has ways to tell us if something is wrong. The body is out of balance and symptoms are evident.
Many people have found that the process involves making simple changes that do not take a great amount of time, but the resulting health benefits can be outstanding.
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Contact Info:
Name: Megan Lash
Email: Send Email
Organization: Earthing
Release ID: 88959658