A successful Entrepreneur John Guaman is supporting people to have sustaining businesses and finishing 2020 on a strong note

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These challenging times have left many individuals in business searching for answers on how to get back on the path to success in 2020.

Miami, USA – June 10, 2020 /MarketersMedia/

The economic and psychological impact of COVID-19 has been felt by nearly every entrepreneur and business owner around the world. These challenging times have left many individuals in business searching for answers on how to get back on the path to success in 2020. However not all individuals are struggling, there are a few business owners like John Guaman, a 23-year old serial entrepreneur, who have found themselves with thriving businesses despite the difficult conditions. One can also connect with John on instagram @johnbguaman. The secret to have a successful business model is to have a really active and sharp mind. John Guaman has several tips that can solve that purpose and also keep you calm at the same time. These are John’s 4 tips for finishing 2020 strong:

1) Stay Positive- “What we think about, comes about”. As someone who deeply believes in the power of the law of attraction, John believes it is important to stay focused on the outcomes that you desire, rather than the challenges that keep you from getting there. This year has been and will continue to be filled with plenty of negativity and distractions. John believes that those who will finish 2020 strong will will be able to focus through the distractions and rise above the negative.

2) Set Clear & Measurable Goals- “We will never hit a target that we cannot see”. John suggests setting clear and measurable goals that have a deadline attached to them. According to John effective goal setting is one of the most important elements to achieving our desires. John’s tips for setting more effective goals are to be sure they are clearly stated, written, and kept in front of you as much as possible.

3) Seek & Embrace Mentorship- “Follow those who have what you want”. John defines mentorship as learning from those that have already traveled the road you desire to travel and absorbing their wisdom. Whether it be directly in person or through videos, audibles, and books John believes one of the best ways to shorten your climb to success is to absorb and implement the philosophies and knowledge of those who have found success before you.

4) Have a Relentless Work Ethic- “The easy path won’t lead you to the best views”. John believes that one of the most important elements to success of any kind is to have a consistent and relentless work ethic. “We are not rewarded on what we do sometimes”, John suggests setting daily activity goals and implementing systems for accountability to keep ourselves on track. John believes that hard work will beat talent every day of the week, especially when talent doesn’t work hard. John knows that success is not easy, but with proper goals in mind, the effort and consistency are always worth it.

If one is successfully able to follow the above mentioned tips that John has shared with us there is no way the person can’t have a really strong and positive mindset with the ability to endeavor a lot at all fronts say work, day to day living etc. and can finish 2020 strong.

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Name: Ryan Morris
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Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/a-successful-entrepreneur-john-guaman-is-supporting-people-to-have-sustaining-businesses-and-finishing-2020-on-a-strong-note/88962504

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 88962504

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