Splash That Ink: Introducing the latest writing opportunity

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– March 16, 2022

Splash That Ink is proud to present incredible writing opportunities to those who wish to get their writings out there, want exposure and we have had many successes in the past. Our style of publishing is simple: participate in the competition, submit your work by the end of the month and your work will be published at the beginning of the next month, as long as it’s not too short, plagiarized, or inappropriate content. Remember, we do want you to succeed so let us know what you need help with and we’ll try our best to provide it; including editing services, typesetting, promotion, and more!

The platform

As a platform for writers, Splash that Ink strives to bring out some of its best authors. With our guidelines and new content every day, we plan to give aspiring authors the platform they deserve. Not only that, but we also help with making their writings get published in either online or offline magazines, and help earn from their writing.

The point of this platform is not only to showcase writings but also to help make these writings reach more people and make them gain fame and exposure. We always welcome original work from everyone! Our mission is to provide authors a chance to be published, give readers a variety of readings that are worth their time, and bring back literature into our daily lives. Join us today! We’d love to hear your voice among our authors at Splash That Ink.

Here’s how to apply.

1.    Register for the contest.

2.    Write a post on your topic or given topic.

3.    Submit your writing via submission link.

4.    You will receive all the updates on your registered mail ID.

If you’re a writer and you want to take your skills to another level, let us know. We’re looking for talented writers who want their work recognized and shared on Splash That Ink. There are no requirements—you don’t have to be published, we don’t care about experience, we just love words. All we ask is that you be passionate about what you write and keep it fun and interesting for our readers.

Contact us:

Company Name: Splash That Ink

Website URL: https://splashthatink.com/

Writer’s Competition: https://splashthatink.com/splash-that-ink-writers-competition/

Become Content Partner: https://splashthatink.com/become-content-partner/

Contact Info:
Name: Splash That Ink.
Email: Send Email
Organization: Splash That Ink.
Website: https://splashthatink.com/

Release ID: 89069817

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